Steps: 908
Difficulty: 4

There is no better cure for overeating during the Christmas holiday than a good stair walk! In the picture above you see Charles and me rockin' our new t-shirts. I had them made using a scan of the Secret Stairs book cover and included my blog address on the bottom. He was really surprised and I'm glad he liked his Christmas gift. I don't know if he liked the shirt more than the blowtorch he got (for making creme brulee). This walk was the last one of the year (#29 of 42) and it was truly memorable. Was it the green hillsides freshened up after a series of rainstorms or the crisp, clear, and cool weather? I don't know what it was but we had a great time! Two of our new 'regulars' (the Interpreters - Ines and Enrique) joined us as did Julie Wolfson. Julie is a friend and writer for LAist. She has walked with us once before on the 4th of July and it was great to see her again. One of our old regulars (Willie) has missed several walks. I don't know when we'll see him again..
We began our walk on Silver Lake Blvd in front of the Lyric Hyperion Theatre and Cafe. We walked downhill for a brief stretch before heading for the hills. Silver Lake is one of my favorite SoCal neighborhoods and this part of it was no exception. All of us were pleased with the vistas and architecture and the numerous pictures in this post can attest to that.

Feel free to join me as I discover hidden parts of Los Angeles and tackle the remaining 13 stair walks.
Steps walked to date: 15,431
Follow me on Twitter: @ClimbingLA